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You can see the video here ---> Feedback in the field

Once upon a time I got the most perfect for me job ever. All I had to do was make, modify and paint models for Louisa Schabas to decorate her Parc avenue, Montreal street set. They could be car models, animal models, unicron models, turkey models, bird models, people models. I could do it forever. It was pure bliss!!!! I made almost ALL the people BROWN as a form of quiet micro-activism. Maybe I had one token white person though. Anyways no-one noticed they all thought they just had tans...hee hee hee. My favorites were the miniature, like very very miniature people I did in breakdance skeleton suits flaunting Trinidadian flags.

Feedback in the Field Video by the band Plants & Animals
Feedback in the Field Video by the band Plants & Animals